New Release for IPv6 Ready Core Logo. What you need to know!

The IPv6 Ready Core Conformance Test Specification has gone through a minor technical update. To help you better understand some of the changes, we have put together this Q&A that you may find helpful. Please see the official announcement from the IPv6 Ready Logo Committee for full details.

What does this update mean for me?

This means that all future test results submitted for an IPv6 Ready Core Logo will need to align with the new conformance test specification. All testing performed at an IPv6 Ready Approved Laboratory will be executed per the updated Test Specification.

Does this update affect already approved Logo Applications?

No, all existing Logos will remain valid.

When does the new test specification take effect?

There is a grace period of 4 weeks where results from both version 4.0.6 and 4.0.7 of the test specification will be accepted. Beginning May 15th, 2017 testing results from version 4.0.6 will no longer be accepted.

How can I ensure my product conforms to these updates?

The UNH-IOL offers a test tool, IOL INTACT® software, that aligns with the updated test specification. IOL INTACT® can be used to pretest your equipment in-house before coming in for official certification. The IOL works closely with standards and certification bodies to ensure the test tools offered are always kept current.

How can IOL INTACT® help me?

IOL INTACT® is flexible and easy to implement into your development and QA process. Below are some of the key features of the tool.

  • Automated Testing: Testing can be fully automated using INTACT® software enabling you to quickly identify issues. A CLI has recently been added as a feature to make it possible to run testing without the traditional GUI.
  • Set Up Flexibility: INTACT® Software is made up of 3 components, the App, the Packet Generator and the License Manager. The software offers flexibility as to where each component is installed giving you multiple setup options and simplicity integrating the tool into your existing lab environment.
  • Track Progress: INTACT® automatically saves all individual test runs so you can compare runs and identify issues. A snapshot of each test run can be viewed to see progress over time.
  • Floating Licenses: With floating licenses it’s easy for multiple users to test simultaneously and add new users if needed.  
  • PDF & HTML Reporting: Custom reports can be created through the tool that can be shared with team members.

Want to try INTACT®? We offer a free 30-day trial license.