OFA and OFILG Membership


By becoming a member of the OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) and the OFA-UNH-IOL Interoperability Logo Group (OFILG) your company can proudly contribute to the development of cutting-edge, high-speed networking technology—in particular, the interoperability of RDMA-enabled devices. By passing the interoperability tests your products can be marketed under the OFILG logo, which will demonstrate to your customers that your products will smoothly work together with a variety of brands of such devices.

Joining the OFA

As explained on our OFA main page, there are two levels of paid membership involving the OFA. The first level is general OFA membership itself. Instructions and prices are at the OFA Website. As an OFA member you may freely participate in any of the various working groups, including the OFA-IWG (Interoperability Working Group).

Joining the OFA-IWG

Beyond being a member of the OFA, there are no formal requirements for joining the Interoperability Working Group.

Joining the OFILG

The second paid level of membership is membership in the OFILG (OFA-UNH-IOL Logo Group). The UNH-IOL is involved with the OFA primarily through this group. In addition to the OFA and OFA-IWG membership benefits, by joining the OFILG you can market your interoperable products with the OFILG logo. To join the OFILG and participate in the interoperability tests...

  1. Read the OFA-IWG Charter (PDF, 10 pp.)
  2. Sign the OFA-IWG Charter Acceptance Agreement (PDF, 1 p.), to confirm that you will protect confidentiality and so forth.

Having joined the OFILG, the process by which you can acquire the logo is detailed in the Logo Program document. Finally, after your products have successfully passed the interoperability tests, the OFA and you will both sign the Logo License Agreement (PDF, 8 pp.).

As explained in the OFA-IWG Charter and updated by the board of directors in December 2009, the annual OFILG membership fee is $14,000. Also, OFA-IWG members who are not OFILG members can still participate in test events by paying a one-time fee of $7,000 for each event.