The Ethernet Alliance will be hosting a HSN Plugfest event at UNH the week of April 25th. The purpose of the Higher Speed Networking plugfest is to improve the interoperability of the Ethernet ecosystem using Ethernet technology using 100 Gbps/lane electrical PHYs and interfaces and 50 Gbps/lane Ethernet PHYs and interfaces. The matrix of testing will include some PHYs, NICs, switches, test equipment, optical and copper media types.
The HSN plugfest is open to members of the Ethernet Alliance. If you are interested in participating, please Contact Us.
Hosting Site
The Plugfest will be held at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory, located at 21 Madbury Road, Suite 100, Durham, NH 03824.
Participants should make hotel and transportation arrangements. Breakfast and afternoon snacks, and a catered lunch will be available on site.
Equipment Shipping Information
All equipment must be shipped to the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory to arrive no later than the Friday prior to the start of the event. There is NO Saturday or Sunday delivery service available.
Companies shipping equipment to the UNH-IOL are required to cover all shipping and customs/duties costs. Failure to do so will require the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory to bill the participating company for any outstanding shipping and customs/duties charges plus a one hundred dollar ($100.00 USD) handling fee.
The following shipping address MUST be used:
Ethernet Alliance/UNH-IOL HSN Plugfest
Attn: Kae Dube
UNH-IOL 21 Madbury Road, Suite 100
Durham, NH 03824
Tel: +1-603-862-0090
No collect shipments will be accepted, and all shipping fees, including U.S. Customs charges, are the responsibility of the shipper. UNH-IOL will NOT pay for U.S. Customs charges, and prepayment of Customs charges is required.
Please remember that international shipments must be cleared through U.S. Customs, which could take up to a week of additional time in shipping.